2022 Annual Report | Full Edition

our mission

We strive for a just world that advances children’s rights and equality for girls.

ACKNOWleDGeMENTS A special thanks to all of our new and returning loyal supporters. Your commitment to us during difficult times in 2022 made all the difference for us and the children, families and communities we serve around the world. ON THE COVER Tanyaradzwa (pictured here) was one of the more than 52.2 million children and youths in 80+ countries Plan International partnered with in 2022. After her grandfather lost his job, she couldn’t afford to go to school. But then she moved into a Plan International dormitory in the Kwekwe district of Zimbabwe. Her school fees were covered and Tanyaradzwa stayed in school. After taking part in the Adolescent Girls & Young Women project, she learned how to protect herself from HIV and is sharing that knowledge with others in the community. She continues to persevere. Read her story on page 66 .

Plan International Canada

3 | 2022 Annual Report

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